  • Torah StudiesTorah Studies brings you the tradition of classical Jewish learning in a series of enticing weekly classes. Each lesson probes into the depths of contemporary Torah thought, with a special focus on issues surrounding spirituality, the human psyche, love, and relationships. Every experience offers meaningful and timely lessons, from the most timeless of texts. Sign Up Here!
  • A Mezuzah For YOU!Thanks to generous donors, Chabad of the Crescenta Valley is happy to offer one FREE Mezuzah to any Jewish home in the area that does not yet have one on their front door! Mezuzah Order Form
  • Torah And TeaFeel the warmth!

    Enjoy a steaming cup of tea, a relevant Torah insight, inspired discussion and friendly interaction with Jewish women.
    Sign Up Here!
Chabad of the Crescenta Valley exists thanks to people like you. 100% of our budget is covered by benefactors. We, and the thousands of people we serve, are grateful for your generosity.


Mr. John Young | Mr. Darrin Greitzer | Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Backman | Dr. & Dr. Roy Mansano | Mr. & Mrs. Phil Wershba | Ms. Maureen Miller | Mr. Peter Rosenthal


Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Farahan | Ms. Dulce Dubin | Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Prager | Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Deboskey | Rabbi & Mrs. Mendy Gollub | Mr. Mark Steinberg | Mr. & Mrs. Jim Krauss | Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Grossbaum | Rabbi Yossi Fellig | Mr. & Mrs. Keith Glassman | Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lerner 


Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Bartfield | Mr. Robert Glenn | Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Dash | Dr. & Mrs. Peter Ivory | Rabbi & Mrs. Pinchas Gansbourg | Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Waldman | Mr. Abe Rosenfeld | Rabbi & Mrs. Sruly Lerman | Mr. & Mrs. Mark Weinstein  | Dr. & Mrs. Jim Katz  | Mr. Nathan Shapiro | Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stern | Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kidushim | Mr. & Mrs. Ray Matthews | Rabbi & Mrs. Mendel Backman | Ms. Patti Leppla


Ms. Dulce Dubin | Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Waldman | Mr. Abe Rosenfeld | Ms. Maureen Miller | Rabbi Yossi Fellig | Rabbi Mendy Gollub | Mr. Joel Groden | Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Schwartz | Rabbi Yossi Cohen | Mr. Paul Gaynon
Our Chai Circle Members:
Dr. and Dr. Roy Mansano | Ms. Maureen Miller | Rabbi and Mrs. Simcha Backman | Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Grossbaum | Mr. Michael Greenberg | Mr. and Mrs. David Bouton | Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Schechter | Rabbi and Mrs. Alter Levitin | Rabbi and Mrs. Sruli Lerman | Mr. and Mrs. Dornbusch | Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Farahan | Mr. Robert Glenn | Mr. Mark Steinberg | Ms. Louise Spillman | Mr. and Mrs. Josh Cohen | Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Leaderman | Rabbi and Mrs. Marc Schechter | Rabbi Boruch Duchman | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kiddushim | Mr. Mark Weinstein | Mr. and Mrs. David Kurs | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ivory | Mr. and Mrs. Marc Isaacson | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rosenthal | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geller | Mr. Jim and Gail Katz | Mr. Abe Rosenfeld | Mr. Doron Gopstein | Rabbi Chaim Shemtov | Mrs. Maureen Miller
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Chabad of the Crescenta Valley is a Jewish organization servicing the Crescenta Valley area. We seek to engage fellow Jews at their own pace and comfort level through innovative programs in all areas of Jewish life.

We provide Jewish holiday family programming, adult and junior education, Shabbat prayer services, and much more. But perhaps more importantly, on a personal level, Chabad serves as a shoulder to lean on, a friend, and a place to turn to at a time of need. We are dedicated to providing you with a non-judgemental, accepting, and personalized Jewish experience.

We aim to be the cornerstone for Jewish life in the Crescenta Valley, and we look forward to forming a relationship and a friendship with you!
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Learning & Inspiration
  • Unexpected MiraclesHow the Rebbe’s Teachings Transformed Me Read More
  • Ross Perot, Foot Soldiers, and Bringing Redemption to the World This generation has the unique tools to unlock the path to Moshiach. Read More
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Feb. 13
Daily Thought
Pharaoh’s advisers tried hard to explain away all the plagues. Even when the Red Sea split, allowed the Jews free passage, and drowned their enemies, there were those who ascribed the entire event to natural causes. Such is human nature, to reflexively seek out a natural explanation for every event. But a Jew, quite the opposite, ponders a natural occurrence and sees a miracle. Because a Jew has an innate inner conviction that there is nothing else...