Ages Dates Times and Location


CGI Crescenta Valley is for boys and girls 5-12 (Entering Kindergarten - Entering 7th)

Week #1: June 16 - 20
Week #2: June 23 - 27

Drop off:
9:00 AM
Pickup: 3:30 PM

We offer early care (8:00 AM drop off) and after care (4:30 PM pickup) for an added fee.


Camp Gan Israel Crescenta Valley will be taking place at
Chabad of Glendale:
1020 W. Kenneth Road
Glendale, CA 91202


Camp Fee


Standard Camp Day (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM):
$360 per week

Early Care (8:00 AM Drop Off):
Additional $20 per day / $100 per week

After Care (4:30 PM Pickup):
Additional $20 per day / $100 per week

Kosher, balanced lunches and two snacks are provided daily and are included in the prices listed. A camp T-shirt and all trips are also included in the price. For any changes to your form, please call or email us.

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: All registrations submitted before March 1st will receive a 10% discount.


Provide your sons and daughters with a fun and exciting Jewish experience that will last a lifetime! Click HERE to register!